One year of CSIR's initiatives against SARS-CoV-2

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One year of CSIR's initiatives against SARS-CoV-2

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문자 명함 For more than a year now, the COVID-19 wave 프록시 has swept through the globe. It has peaked and 어플마케팅 plummeted but has not shown any sign of plateauing 유튜브 마케팅 yet. Presently, with variant strains appearing and people not 카카오 발송기 following the COVID appropriate behaviour strictly, there is a 앱제작 resurgence in the number of COVID-19 cases.A positive development 무료 콜백 문자 has been that vaccination drives have become more intense. 아이피몬스터 However, there is a large population yet to be 개발회사 vaccinated globally.Scientific organisations have been at the forefront of 콜백어플 the fight against COVID-19. Diagnostics, drugs, devices, vaccines, PPEs 앱스토어 and ventilators have been developed in a short period. 프로그램 스토어 Among the many organisations in India, CSIR, with its 유동아이피 chain of 37 laboratories, rose to the nation's call 텔레그램마케팅 in the most trying of times.CSIR is not new 우회 to dealing with challenges and crises. In the face 마케팅대행업체 of technology denials and handling natural disasters like earthquakes 마케팅전문가 and floods, CSIR has quickly and effortlessly developed technology 콜백문자 solutions.In its fight against COVID-19, even before the end 자동 문자 발송 of the first lockdown in March 2020, CSIR had sns 마케팅 a blueprint ready on the role that it will 사업자DB play in the nation's fight against coronavirus. A 5-pronged 영업문자 strategy was adopted. The CSIR's 5 COVID-19 Verticals as 채팅어플 they came to be known were: Digital and Molecular 마케팅프로그램 Surveillance, Rapid and Economic Diagnosis, Development of New/Repurposed Drugs, VPN PPEs and Hospital Assistive Devices, and Supply Chain &ampLogistics.All 쇼핑몰홍보 the CSIR laboratories, irrespective of their specialisation, rallied around 무료콜백문자 to fight the virus. The interdisciplinary character of CSIR, 바이럴마케팅 its nationwide network, need-based and industry-focused research and development, 법인사업자디비 technology transfer expertise, strength in basic research, and world-class 프로그램 R&D infrastructure were put to use by its vibrant 마케팅 몬스터 pool of students, scientists, researcher scholars and other staff. 블로그 대행 Under the most challenging of circumstances, CSIR, as one 마케팅 서비스 entity, fought back. The result is that in about 스마트폰콜백 100 days, CSIR developed an assortment of several COVID-19 자동콜백 technologies.On the testing front, 13 CSIR labs have carried DB추출기 out over 12,00,000 tests to date. The significant aspect DB 프로그램 is that many of these testing facilities are at 프록시아이피 locations distant from towns and metros like the hilly 스토어추출기 regions of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and the North East. 앱스토어순위 In March 2020, when there were very few testing 콜백 어플 facilities in the country, CSIR-CCMB set up one of cpi광고 India's earliest RT-PCR testing facilities. However, India would require 자동 콜백 to carry out testing in massive numbers in the 앱개발 ensuing months. There was a need for a low-cost, 플레이스토어순위 quick and accurate testing kit.The CSIR-IGIB was up to 마케팅 대행 the challenge, and in a few months, the premier 마케팅 프로그램 Institute introduced the CRISPR-Cas-9-based kit called FELUDA. DCGI has 콜백 문자 서비스 approved it, and it is cheap, fast and accurate. 마케팅 대행사 CSIR transferred the technology to Tata Sons, which now 채팅어플제작 is marketing the kit in India and is being 어플제작 used at many places. CSIR-CCMB has come up with 유튜브마케팅 an improved method of RT-PCR testing called the Dry 백링크 사이트 Swab-based direct RT-PCR method. This involves dry swab based 마케팅 프로그램 safe collection, storage and transportation of viral samples. It sns 대행사 also effectively reduces the time taken for RT-PCR testing 브이 머신 as it omits the step of the laborious RNA 마케팅 기업 isolation. This method not only cuts downtime and cost ip변경 but is relatively safer and is an ICMR approved 가상 윈도우 method. CSIR-NEERI has successfully utilised this method and tested ASO more than 50,000 samples. Many industries have licensed this 플레이스토어광고 method and have developed kits that will enable large 채팅앱 scale testing, which is the need of the day.By DB프로그램 the middle of last year, hospital beds across the 스토어 추출기 country were filling up with COVID-19 infected patients. Not 가상데스크톱 every patient who has a breathing problem needs invasive 개인사업자DB ventilation, which is used in ICUs. There is a 우회접속 need for non-invasive ventilators, which can be used in 개발업체 makeshift hospitals or at home with medical supervision. With 오픈마켓사업자DB the ventilators being in short supply, CSIR-NAL, in a 트위터마케팅 record time of 36 days, developed a non-invasive Bilevel 마케팅스토어 Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) ventilator. Here again, the low 마케팅 전문가 cost, high effectiveness and indigenous development were its key DB 마케팅 attributes. The ventilator underwent rigorous clinical trials and was 카카오발송기 certified by accreditation agencies and approved by DGHS before 마케팅 프로그램 being transferred to the industry. Today, a few thousand proxy CSIR-NAL's Swasthvayu, BiPAP ventilators are used in many hospitals DB 수집기 in Delhi and other places to treat mild to 개인사업자디비 moderate COVID-19 patients.The recent wave of the pandemic has 앱스토어 검색 brought to attention the need for oxygen for many 채팅어플 of those afflicted by COVID-19. CSIR labs such as 앱개발회사 CSIR-IIP, Dehradun, CSIR-CEMRI Durgapur and CSIR-NCL have developed oxygen 실행사 concentrators and oxygen enrichment units. CSIR-IIP developed static oxygen DB 추출기 concentrators are being deployed across India through industry partners, 원격컴퓨터 and 120 units are expected to be installed by 법인사업자DB July 2021.CSIR has also embarked on the design and 문자명함 setting up of makeshift hospitals, which can quickly provide 백링크사이트 the much-needed beds during the pandemic. Leading this effort 카페마케팅 has been CSIR-CBRI in Roorkee. CSIR-SERC has also set 클라우드컴퓨팅 up a makeshift hospital in Tamil Nadu. CSIR-CBRI efforts 자동 문자발송 have led to 11 makeshift hospitals with about 350 앱솔루션 beds in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and other states. Currently, 마케팅기업 they are working on building makeshift hospitals in Delhi, 마케팅 기업 Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.Even after more than a year 채팅어플개발 into the global pandemic, there is no new drug 바이럴 마케팅 yet to cure COVID-19. It is known that drug 가상 컴퓨터 development is a complex and lengthy process, sometimes taking 아이피 변경 decades to discover the right drug molecule for a 어플리케이션홍보 disease. The immediate approach is to look at existing 콜백문자서비스 drugs that can alleviate COVID-19 caused distress. Globally, a 오픈마켓사업자디비 few medications such as Remdesivir, Favipiravir and Umifenovir have 가상윈도우 been identified as being helpful to treat COVID-19 patients.CSIR-IICT, 가상 윈도우 컴퓨터 the premier chemical technology laboratory, is well known for 콜백 문자 developing innovative and low-cost industrial processes for drugs and 앱부스터 chemicals. Favipiravir is structurally less complex than the other 일반채팅 two molecules. The institute, in record time, came with 화상채팅 an efficient method for synthesising Favipiravir. As is characteristic 스마트폰 콜백 of CSIR technologies, the Hyderabad based institute's process made 몽키VPN it possible to produce Favipiravir at much lower costs. 사업자DB The industrial process was transferred to pharma major Cipla, 마케팅대행 and today the drug named Ciplenza is being used 고정아이피 to treat mildly infected COVID-19 patients.CSIR is also involved 영업DB in the clinical trials of many repurposed drugs. The 영업 문자 clinical trials are being carried out in partnership with 플레이스토어리뷰 several medical and research institutions and industry partners, including 온라인마케팅 Cipla, Cadilla, Sun Pharma, LAXAI etc. In addition to 영업 synthetic drugs, the well-known naturally occurring plant-based prophylactics and 트래픽증가 therapeutics are also undergoing clinical trials. Presently, safety and 마케팅몬스터 efficacy trials of AYUSH prophylactics and therapeutics based on sns마케팅 Withania somnifera, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Tinospora cordifolia &ampAdhatoda vasica (individually 클라우드 컴퓨터 and in combination), Tinospora cordifolia &ampPiper longum (in combination) 카페마케팅 are being carried out jointly by CSIR and Ministry 카페 마케팅 of AYUSH. The Ministry of AYUSH-CSIR collaboration has recently VPN 서비스 completed a multi-centre clinical trial to evaluate the safety 어플리케이션마케팅 and efficacy of AYUSH 64 in the management of NEW DB mild to moderate COVID-19 patients.Ever since the pandemic hit 프로그램스토어 the country, CSIR has been very carefully studying the 채팅앱만들기 SARS-CoV-2 genome. It is known that viral genomes undergo 뉴디비 mutations, and new strains of the virus come into IP몬스터 being. It is essential to look at the viral ip대여 variations as some mutant strains can become more virulent DB마케팅 than the existing strain. Labs such as CSIR-IGIB, CSIR-CCMB, 채팅솔루션 CSIR-IMTech and many more have been involved in sequencing 앱마케팅 the viral genomes. Sequencing identifies the mutations in viral 원격 컴퓨팅 strains and examines and monitor the prevalence of viral APP 개발회사 strains in different parts of the country.Further, with new DB추출기 strains appearing elsewhere in the world, such as the 앱마케팅 UK strain, it is essential to know about the 마케팅 대행업체 appearance of the new strains in India. CSIR-IGIB and DB수집프로그램 CSIR-CCMB are two among the ten members of the 마케팅프로그램 Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG). The consortium monitors the 자동문자발송 genomic variations in the SARS-CoV-2 on a regular basis 스마트 문자 through a multi-laboratory network. INSACOG has carried out genomic 채팅앱개발 sequencing and analysis of circulating COVID-19 viruses and correlating 앱광고 epidemiological trends with genomic variants. A few CSIR labs 블로그대행 have also been culturing coronavirus to provide for vaccine 공인ip and antisera development.CSIR labs such as CSIR-CCMB, CSIR-IMTech, CSIR-NEERI 사업자 DB and others have also been involved in community-level surveillance 채팅어플제작 via sewage samples. This surveillance can provide public health vpn management strategies for controlling the spread. An interesting study sns 마케팅 undertaken by CSIR-IMTech and CSIR-CCMB has found coronavirus in 클라우드pc the air of closed rooms. Much before the recent DB수집기 emphasis for airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, CSIR had 프로필추출 demonstrated that virus in the air can be detected 앱마케팅 and is dependent on several factors such as the 어플제작 number of infected people, the usage of masks etc. 앱스토어리뷰 Guidelines have been designed for ventilation in residential and sns마케팅 office buildings by CSIR-CBRI and other CSIR labs.Another initiative 마케팅프로그램 has been the design and development of UV-C based 자동문자 virus inactivation by CSIR-CSIO. The UV installation in the 앱제작 air ducts will help have safe indoor spaces such 트래픽 증가 as auditoriums, buses, metro and rail coaches. Currently, the 앱 마케팅 auditorium in CSIR HQ has such an installation.Many CSIR 어플홍보 laboratories also produced personal protection kits such as coveralls, 스마트문자 face shields, and face masks in large numbers to 어플제작 ensure no shortage of these essential supplies. Notably, the 챗솔루션 protective coveralls turned out to be a must-have item 가상컴퓨터 for hospital, healthcare and other public personnel like police, 채팅앱제작 sanitation workers and so on. As demand soared, by 마케팅프로그램 mid-April 2020, CSIR-NAL, in association with MAF clothing, developed 마케팅IP polypropylene spun laminated multi-layered non-woven fabric based coverall. The 영업디비 coveralls underwent stringent testing and certification at SITRA, Coimbatore. 브이머신 Following this, lakhs of pieces of the low cost 마케팅대행사 and safe protective coverall were manufactured.The disease surveillance, drugs, 블로그마케팅 and diagnostics discussed thus far involve high science. In 게임IP the face of the pandemic, several thousand people lost 사업자디비 their livelihoods and faced many hardships. So that people DB 수집프로그램 at the bottom of the pyramid do not go 영업 DB hungry and can prevail during pandemic times, CSIR-IHBT and 재능마켓 CSIR-CFTRI provided tonnes of nutritive and immune-boosting food. A 앱스토어광고 large number of CSIR labs also distributed several thousand VPN 서비스 gallons of sanitisers and thousands of face masks. The 앱 제작 CSIR-IICT, through the Corporate Social Responsibility of Cipla Foundation, 트위터 마케팅 designed and distributed lakhs of masks in rural Telangana.In 온라인 마케팅 addition to CSIR's outreach activities through the distribution of 어플 제작 food, masks and sanitisers, CSIR also put in place 마케팅 스토어 a communication strategy. The objective was to regularly communicate DB 추출기 COVID-19 related developments to the masses and combat the 블로그 마케팅 rapidly spreading malaise of misinformation and disinformation. Posters in 채팅앱개발 different Indian languages, both printed and digital, on the 영업DB COVID appropriate behaviours were disseminated widely. Regular webinars, again 채팅솔루션 in an array of Indian languages, are being organised. 프로필 추출 The webinars have been popular among the lay audience 자동문자 for whom it is an opportunity to interact, clarify 아이피변경 their doubts and find answers to their questions from 가상IP the experts.Today, CSIR has emerged as a key player 앱홍보 in India's COVID-19 mitigation programmes. At CSIR, there have 마케팅기업 been many learnings. We have built new capabilities and 게임 VPN developed new capacities. We have once again effectively capitalised 앱개발 on the power of collaborations and networking with multiple 플레이스토어 검색 stakeholders, be it across CSIR and other laboratories, industries sns대행사 of all sizes, ministries and state governments, non-governmental organisations, 마케팅 VPN self-help groups and so on. We also realised that 텔레그램 마케팅 while science and technology can provide solutions, for the uptake of technological solutions, effective communication, connectedness, and engagement with multiple stakeholders are also important. In a pandemic of this kind, communication to influence or effect pandemic appropriate behaviour holds the key.The learnings will enable CSIR to efficiently and effectively handle such crises in the future. Lastly, all this has been possible due to the tireless efforts and unstinting cooperation of the CSIR family comprising the leadership, scientists, technical, administration and support staff, students and countless others who have worked throughout the pandemic.Dr G. Mahesh and Dr Geetha Vani Rayasam