Development of lead-free X-Ray shielding tiles

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Development of lead-free X-Ray shielding tiles

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DB 수집프로그램 Invisible rays such 마케팅 기업 as X-rays, gamma 쇼핑몰홍보 rays, neutron, beta 온라인마케팅 rays, etc., can 아이피몬스터 penetrate surfaces and 어플제작 pose radiation hazards. 재능마켓 These ionizing radiations 오픈마켓사업자DB are used/emitted from 앱부스터 hospitals, nuclear power 채팅어플제작 plants, particle accelerators, 자동문자발송 industrial radiography, etc. 영업 문자 It is important 앱솔루션 to protect the VPN public, patients, and NEW DB the environment from 채팅앱 harmful radiation.Radiation shielding 스마트폰콜백 materials are used 트위터마케팅 to prevent the 카페마케팅 hazardous spread of 채팅앱개발 radiation. The thickness 블로그마케팅 of the radiation 원격 컴퓨팅 shield varies with VPN 서비스 respect to the 마케팅대행사 energy, type of 마케팅프로그램 radiation and attenuation 가상 윈도우 characteristics of the 개발업체 shield. For example, sns마케팅 1 to 2.3mm 앱스토어 thick lead sheets 트래픽증가 are used on 채팅어플 the wall of 스마트 문자 X-ray rooms, CT ip변경 scanner rooms, etc., DB 추출기 to shield X-rays. 텔레그램 마케팅 But 450 mm 아이피변경 thick lead or 영업 2300 mm wide 어플마케팅 concrete is used 백링크사이트 to build 10 문자명함 MeV radiotherapy bunkers.The 콜백 어플 lightweight (2.3g/cc) and 마케팅기업 heavyweight (>2.6 g/cc) DB수집기 concretes are commonly 영업 DB used to build 일반채팅 radiation shielding structure 브이머신 in radiotherapy bunkers, 어플홍보 nuclear power plants, 앱광고 sterilization plants, etc. 사업자DB But these have 앱제작 their inherent disadvantages 가상 윈도우 컴퓨터 like using up 콜백문자 space, being expensive, 마케팅프로그램 non-replenishable and thermally 채팅앱만들기 unstable.Red mud is 앱스토어 검색 a hazardous alumina sns 대행사 industry waste that 클라우드컴퓨팅 is very alkaline 채팅솔루션 and has heavy 가상IP element leaching. Globally, 앱마케팅 170 million tonnes 스마트문자 of red mud 어플리케이션홍보 are generated annually 개발회사 and is left 자동 문자발송 unused in the 콜백 문자 서비스 disposal plants due 마케팅전문가 to inadequate technologies 카카오 발송기 for its large-scale vpn utilization. Currently, only 우회접속 3- 4 % 공인ip of red mud 가상데스크톱 is used to DB 추출기 fabricate useful products. 블로그 마케팅 The rest is 마케팅 대행업체 getting accumulated in 영업문자 the disposal plants 플레이스토어광고 and possess a sns대행사 serious threat to 유동아이피 the public, environment, 어플제작 and wildlife (Figure 자동문자 1). Figure 1: Disposal 원격컴퓨터 of red mud 채팅어플 into the red 온라인 마케팅 mud pond CSIR-AMPRI has 마케팅 프로그램 developed the technology 어플리케이션마케팅 to convert the 마케팅프로그램 iron-rich red mud 프록시 into X-ray, gamma-ray proxy and neutron shielding 고정아이피 materials. It is sns마케팅 a green process 가상컴퓨터 and is economically 영업디비 viable. A certain 오픈마켓사업자디비 weight percentage of 자동 문자 발송 BaSO4 and kaolin 영업DB clay binder is 마케팅 몬스터 added to the DB추출기 red mud to 마케팅 서비스 increase its X-ray 자동 콜백 attenuation characteristics and 화상채팅 mechanical strength, respectively.The 앱개발 X-ray shielding tiles 뉴디비 were fabricated by 스토어추출기 mixing appropriate proportion 어플제작 of red mud, 마케팅 대행사 BaSO4 and kaolin 앱개발회사 clay powder in DB 마케팅 a ball mill. 개인사업자DB The red mud:BaSO4:kaolin 실행사 compound mixtures were 사업자디비 wet ground with 플레이스토어순위 water, and then 채팅솔루션 green tiles were 앱 마케팅 made by applying 유튜브마케팅 ≈530 kg/cm2 pressure. 영업DB The developed tiles cpi광고 were dried in 마케팅 VPN a hot air 무료 콜백 문자 oven at 90°C 콜백어플 and then sintered 프로필 추출 between 900 - 개인사업자디비 1150°C in ambient 플레이스토어 검색 conditions (Figure 2a).The 프록시아이피 developed tiles possess 마케팅대행업체 the breaking strength 마케팅 프로그램 of 1880 N 마케팅몬스터 and the modulus 유튜브 마케팅 of rupture of 문자 명함 >25 N/mm2. Nearly 브이 머신 12 - 15mm 채팅앱제작 thick tile possess 챗솔루션 the attenuation equivalent 블로그 대행 to 2 mm 카페 마케팅 lead at 100 채팅앱개발 kVp. Moreover, no sns 마케팅 heavy metals were DB 수집기 found to leach 앱스토어리뷰 from the tiles 법인사업자디비 above the permissible 카카오발송기 limit.Joint free X-ray 어플 제작 shielding tiles (2500 게임 VPN ft2) were fabricated 트래픽 증가 and demonstrated in 바이럴 마케팅 two X-ray diagnoses, 트위터 마케팅 one CT scanner DB마케팅 and one Cath 자동콜백 Lab of M/s 마케팅기업 Saideep Healthcare and 블로그대행 Research Pvt Ltd., 백링크 사이트 Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. The DB추출기 X-ray installations are ip대여 currently in operation 콜백문자서비스 (Figure 2b). Figure 2: 스마트폰 콜백 (a) joint free 마케팅 기업 X-ray shielding tiles VPN 서비스 made using red 법인사업자DB mud and (b) 텔레그램마케팅 The CSIR-AMPRI tile 마케팅스토어 in use in 프로필추출 the Cath lab 마케팅 전문가 of M/s Saideep 스토어 추출기 Healthcare and Research 앱스토어광고 Pvt Ltd The technology 플레이스토어리뷰 for the fabrication 앱스토어순위 of “Lead-Free X-ray IP몬스터 Shielding Tiles” was 마케팅 프로그램 transferred to M/s ASO Prism Johnson Ltd., 클라우드pc on 10/06/2019 at 앱홍보 CSIR, New Delhi. 카페마케팅 CSIR-AMPRI and M/s DB 프로그램 Prism Johnson Ltd 아이피 변경 have worked together 마케팅대행 and solved various sns 마케팅 problems like white 채팅어플제작 efflorescence, cracking, melt-sticking 프로그램 and attenuation, which DB수집프로그램 evolved during upscaling 앱마케팅 of this technology 앱개발 from the lab 앱 제작 to the industrial 마케팅프로그램 scale. All the 마케팅 스토어 problems were solved, 가상 컴퓨터 and X-ray shielding 앱제작 tiles were made 프로그램 스토어 on a pilot 앱마케팅 scale on September 클라우드 컴퓨터 2021 (Figure 3). 사업자DB The product will 프로그램스토어 be launched soon. 채팅어플개발 The 12 -15 바이럴마케팅 mm thick tiles 가상윈도우 possess the attenuation 게임IP of 2 mm 자동문자 lead at 100 DB프로그램 kVp and have APP 개발회사 sufficient mechanical strength. 몽키VPN The developed tiles 마케팅 대행 are cheaper than 무료콜백문자 lead and barite 콜백 문자 boards. Figure 3: Joint 마케팅IP free X-ray shielding 사업자 DB tiles made in 우회 pilot scale The developed tiles are suitable for shielding diagnostic X-rays. However, it requires a thick shield to attenuate very high energy X-rays, gamma rays and neutrons due to their porosity and less density.CSIR-AMPRI has also recently developed gamma-ray shielding blocks by hot compacting red mud. The density of the shield is found to be double than that of the radiation shielding blocks fabricated through the conventional ceramic route. In many places, both the neutron and gamma-ray shielding materials are required as neutrons are generated as secondary radiations. These shields are capable of shielding both the neutron as well as high energy X- and gamma rays.This technology can promote the large-scale utilization of red mud and reduce the usage of toxic lead, primary mining, deforestation, and environmental pollution.Dr. Shabi Thankaraj Salammal Dr. Deepti Mishra Dr. Mohd. Akram Khan Dr. S K S Rathore Dr. Avanish Kumar Srivastava CSIR-AMPRI