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HELLO 0 19

Many 콜백 were known
Countless unknown
Quite away from shore
Not visible any more
Breath shortened
Lack of life air saw no end
Painful departure
Struggled giving final gesture
No 마케팅스토어 time given
To say good-bye even
Children orphaned
Crisis deepened
Grief stricken
Tragedy befallen
Mourners restricted
Last honors limited
Many who treated yesterday
No more today
Loss unbearable
Remembrance unbelievable
Wave swept 마케팅 프로그램 away lives
But hope thrives

Daily bread snatched
Misery unmatched
Streets deserted
Means evaporated
Days spent in hunger
Nights bereft of slumber
Distant from native place
In search of 콜백 문자 solace
Waited for help
Fended for self
It seemed all over
May not see loved ones ever
But do-gooders descended
Worsening prevented
Misfortune ended
Disaster averted
The calamity tried
However 브이머신 humanity survived
We owe them a debt of gratitude
For shouldering responsibility of this magnitude
Wave swept away livelihood
But faith withstood

-Abhay Sharma, CSIR-IGIB