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Chrissy 0 8

VPN It all started with a wet market theory Bat passed it onto us is the running story Leaking out from a nearby laboratory However remains a matter of query Immediate aftermath was local Authorities seemed 마케팅기업 less than vocal Hastening its spread in sum total As the outbreak becomes global Country after country Pain and loss in plenty A threat on humanity Huge is the calamity But wait a while and 마케팅프로그램 see the ray of light Marvel at human might And our resolve to fight With the endgame in sight Your corona spike On which you take so much pride So efficiently we neutralize Using jabs 채팅앱개발 which cut that to size Also in our arsenal are others And mind you, more will be arriving in numbers To wipe you out with daggers Your remains will go down the gutters It is 뉴플레이스 just a matter of time We will punish you for your crime You will soon be packed off to hell full of grime Without receiving any per diem-Abhay Sharma, CSIR-IGIB