International Women’s Day- Random thoughts of a Woman Scientist

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International Women’s Day- Random thoughts of a Woman Scientist

Nana 0 13

마케팅 기업 India, a country rich DB 추출기 in its cultures and 카카오발송기 traditions has deep reverence sns 마케팅 to women since ancient 어플홍보 times. We not only sns 마케팅 pray to female deities 플레이스토어순위 as per our religious 자동콜백 leanings but also celebrate 마케팅 VPN national festivals by their 마케팅대행사 names. Examples include the 뉴디비 Saraswati Puja for the 문자명함 “Goddess of Knowledge” or DB추출기 the Lakshmi Puja for 유동아이피 the “Goddess of Wealth”. 일반채팅 The ancient texts quote sns마케팅 “यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते 우회 तत्र देवताः । यत्रैतास्तु 프록시아이피 न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्राफलाः क्रियाः 백링크사이트 ।। मनुस्मृति ३/५६ ।।“Growing ip변경 up with these beliefs 영업DB and foundation, it is 앱 제작 indeed surprising that I 앱개발회사 hear the need for 무료 콜백 문자 gender parity in the VPN 서비스 country. I think it 앱솔루션 is important to look 앱스토어 검색 into facts for greater 콜백문자서비스 introspection to address this 자동 문자발송 grave issue. One also 앱부스터 wonders if there is 몽키VPN an actual dearth of 백링크 사이트 women achievers? Is it 카카오 발송기 so difficult in identifying 온라인마케팅 them? How do we 마케팅프로그램 bring them to mainstream 게임 VPN and give them leadership 채팅앱만들기 roles?I start with the VPN Global Gender Gap Report 앱광고 2020 that places India 마케팅 프로그램 at 112 among 153 어플리케이션마케팅 countries studied, stating therewith DB 수집프로그램 that one of the 문자 명함 key reasons for this 앱마케팅 is the difference in 자동문자발송 the literacy rate between 스마트폰콜백 men (82%) and women 마케팅 기업 (66%). India is reported 어플마케팅 to be the only VPN 서비스 country where the economic 사업자 DB gender gap is larger IP몬스터 than the political gender 콜백 문자 서비스 gap. Statistics reveal that 스마트 문자 we need about 99.5 클라우드컴퓨팅 years and about 71 앱개발 years to close the sns마케팅 gender gap globally and 어플 제작 in the South Asian 마케팅대행업체 region, respectively.All is not 개인사업자DB bad, as the report 마케팅 서비스 indicates that India has 마케팅프로그램 a relatively smaller gender 마케팅 대행업체 gap in STEM (Science, 마케팅기업 Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 고정아이피 higher education. In the 아이피몬스터 area of Cloud Computing 가상 컴퓨터 considered to be one 클라우드 컴퓨터 of the “male professions” 자동문자 of the future, India 마케팅 대행사 and Italy are close 채팅앱개발 to gender parity. That’s DB추출기 indeed something to rejoice!Continuing 무료콜백문자 on this note of ip대여 celebrating achievements and successes, 사업자DB however small they may 유튜브 마케팅 be, got me to 스마트문자 remind myself that the 텔레그램 마케팅 year 2020 saw 4 영업DB women Nobel laureates. However, 마케팅프로그램 a careful look at 앱제작 the facts points out ASO that in about120 years 프로그램 스토어 of its institution, women 트래픽 증가 laureates include a mere 채팅어플 58 out of 962 DB 추출기 awardees so far: just 플레이스토어 검색 about 6% of the 마케팅 프로그램 total. What’s more surprising 영업디비 to me was that sns대행사 the first women laureate DB 수집기 in Chemistry from the 영업 문자 United States of America 콜백어플 was only in 2018.This 텔레그램마케팅 made me also look 앱스토어순위 into the highest and 개발업체 most coveted national award 브이머신 in Science, the Shanti DB수집기 Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prize. 아이피 변경 Instituted in 1958 and 어플제작 now covering seven disciplines, 마케팅 전문가 the women winners of 플레이스토어광고 this SSB prize constitute 마케팅몬스터 a mere 3.2% (18 마케팅IP of 560 awardees in 스토어추출기 the last 62 years). 아이피변경 I then shifted my 프로그램스토어 attention to the inspiring 클라우드pc Infosys Prize winners, to DB프로그램 look for signs of 프로필 추출 gender parity. Instituted in 게임IP 2008 with just one 채팅솔루션 category of Mathematical Sciences, 유튜브마케팅 today it covers six 블로그 마케팅 different disciplines. In the 법인사업자디비 last 13 years, 74 프로그램 scientists and scholars were 블로그대행 awarded the prestigious Infosys 앱개발 prize. Among them, 17 마케팅전문가 are women awardees constituting 앱제작 a healthier ~23% of 콜백 어플 the total. The humanities 마케팅 스토어 and social sciences saw 카페마케팅 five women achievers each, sns 대행사 followed by three in NEW DB life sciences, 2 in 가상IP engineering and computer sciences, 프로필추출 and one each in 바이럴마케팅 physical and mathematical sciences.How 앱홍보 does one address this 브이 머신 gap of due recognition cpi광고 of women’s talent and 채팅앱제작 expertise? Do we look 원격 컴퓨팅 for systemic and structural 트위터 마케팅 changes starting at the 블로그 대행 very first step when 온라인 마케팅 seeking nominations? Can we 바이럴 마케팅 subscribe to the idea 채팅어플 that every male nomination 가상컴퓨터 needs to be complemented 개발회사 with a female nomination 영업 DB as well, not limiting 콜백 문자 oneself to one’s own 채팅앱 institution?One the matters of 앱스토어 handling day to day 마케팅스토어 activities, we often seem 원격컴퓨터 to be at crossroads 채팅어플제작 of whether to tread 플레이스토어리뷰 the path already taken 마케팅기업 or take the untrodden 앱스토어광고 path. We look for 사업자DB role models to take 개인사업자디비 confidence and motivation from, 채팅어플개발 so to move forward APP 개발회사 towards the desired goal. 콜백문자 For some of us, DB수집프로그램 even the well-trodden path DB 프로그램 is aplenty with challenges. 자동문자 Few don’t give up 가상 윈도우 despite the hurdles.Dr Kiran 앱마케팅 Mazumdar Shah and Dr 법인사업자DB Swati Piramal, ladies of 스마트폰 콜백 the pharma and biotech 트위터마케팅 sector, lead by example. 앱마케팅 The COVID-19 pandemic gave 채팅앱개발 us new leaders to DB 마케팅 take encouragement from – 블로그마케팅 Dr Sowmya Swaminathan and 마케팅프로그램 Dr. Gagandeep Kang. Lt 트래픽증가 Gen Madhuri Kanitkar and 가상데스크톱 Flt Lt Bhawana Kanth 오픈마켓사업자디비 inspire us to take 스토어 추출기 bold steps forward to 앱스토어리뷰 reach great heights. On DB마케팅 the aspects of ethics, 자동 문자 발송 respect to people’s livelihood 어플제작 and environment, while keeping 어플리케이션홍보 ourselves grounded, Dr Vandana 앱 마케팅 Shiva and Mrs Sudha 우회접속 Murthy are great leaders 화상채팅 to look up to. 카페마케팅 Though far and few, 영업문자 these are all women 쇼핑몰홍보 leaders of the current 실행사 times.The Council of Scientific 채팅어플제작 and Industrial Research (CSIR) 마케팅 몬스터 saw its first woman 카페 마케팅 Director in the year 사업자디비 2013, after 71 years 프록시 of its inception. Today 자동 콜백 we have four woman 오픈마켓사업자DB Directors leading four of 어플제작 its constituent laboratories. The 마케팅대행 CSIR Hq has four 챗솔루션 ladies handling the affairs 마케팅 대행 of its four directorates/Units, 가상윈도우 efficiently dealing with science proxy management, diplomacy and administration. 채팅솔루션 Small step but a 가상 윈도우 컴퓨터 celebratory one to take 영업 pride of!Coming back to vpn the need for closing 공인ip gender gaps, the preceding 마케팅 프로그램 paras highlight gaps and 재능마켓 emerging trends to bridge the cause. The questions therefore are what and how do we emulate as success stories and best practices to cover a larger canvas and help us leap frog or pole vault to achieve our goals, and by when?When I started working on this note, I thought that I might actually find practical solutions. However, it seems that I am left with more questions than before!Awareness is key for the change or transformation we aspire to bring about. The celebration of International Women’s Day is one such to ensure we revisit our experiences, share them, help each other, take inspiration from the achievers while we continue to #choosetochallenge!My greetings to all on the International Women’s Day! Dr. Viswajanani J SattigeriHead, Traditional Knowledge Digital LibraryCSIR