High Power Magnetrons: Strengthening Strategic, Medical and Industrial Domains of India

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High Power Magnetrons: Strengthening Strategic, Medical and Industrial…

Isadora 0 8

NEW DB The design and development work on magnetron 앱스토어 검색 at CSIR-CEERI started since the establishment of 일반채팅 the laboratory in the year 1953. A 무료콜백문자 series of magnetrons, mostly in the S-band VPN 서비스 at different power and frequencies, have been 플레이스토어 검색 designed, developed and delivered to the users. 마케팅 서비스 The device has been successfully developed by 마케팅 VPN the collaborative efforts of CSIR CEERI and 마케팅프로그램 our sponsoring partners like the Department of 앱개발 Atomic Energy (DAE), Department of Electronics and 영업 Information Technology (DeitY), DRDO, BRNS (DAE) Government VPN 서비스 of India.During 1996-2006, CSIR-CEERI has designed and 실행사 produced a 2 MW S-band magnetron (two 가상 윈도우 versions at 2.998 GHz and 2.856 GHz) 마케팅프로그램 in limited numbers and delivered to RRCAT, DB추출기 Indore for their LINACs/Microtron program. During the 재능마켓 same period, a glass version of 3 앱마케팅 MW magnetron in S-band (2.998 GHz) was VPN also developed and delivered to RRCAT, Indore. 채팅앱개발 BRNS, BARC Mumbai, sponsored both the projects.LINAC 프로그램 based X-ray machines are extensively used for 프로그램스토어 industrial, medical and security applications. BARC, Mumbai, 게임 VPN in association with ECIL, Hyderabad, has initiated 가상 윈도우 컴퓨터 the development of such cargo screening machines 마케팅기업 to be employed near borders. These LINAC 영업디비 based X-ray machines use high power microwave 스마트문자 sources such as klystrons and magnetrons for 채팅어플제작 the acceleration of the particles. CSIR-CEERI has 가상 컴퓨터 designed, developed and delivered 3 MW S-band 온라인 마케팅 (2.885 GHz) pulse magnetron to BARC, Mumbai, 아이피 변경 for these applications with technical know-how. The 원격 컴퓨팅 frequency tuning of these magnetrons from a 마케팅스토어 remote location was always a challenging problem. 어플제작 CSIR-CEERI has developed a PLC based motorized VPN tuning mechanism to tune the frequency of 마케팅 스토어 the magnetron from a remote location so APP 개발회사 that exposure of X-ray to the operator 마케팅프로그램 can be avoided. In addition to these magnetrons, 콜백문자서비스 an R&D project entitled “Design &ampDevelopment of 프로그램 스토어 2.6 MW S-Band Tunable Pulse Magnetron’ was 앱부스터 carried out at CSIR-CEERI, Pilani, sponsored by 채팅솔루션 the Department of Electronics and Information Technology 화상채팅 (DeitY), Govt. of India in collaboration with 개발회사 SAMEER, Mumbai during 2008-2013. The project's scope 챗솔루션 was to design and develop a glass 채팅어플 version water-cooled tunable magnetron with an operating 마케팅 전문가 frequency of 2998 MHz and minimum peak 자동문자 power of 2.6 MW up to the 게임IP successful laboratory prototype stage. The developed magnetron 앱솔루션 was required to retrofit an existing LINAC 자동콜백 system, thereby replacing a foreign commercial magnetron. 스마트폰콜백 CSIR-CEERI successfully developed and delivered these magnetrons 앱개발 to SAMEER, Mumbai.The developed magnetron was tested 몽키VPN on the LINAC system at SAMEER, Mumbai 영업문자 setup, and the required X-ray dose was DB프로그램 achieved. Recently, the technical know-how of 2.6 콜백문자 MW magnetron has been transferred to M/s 마케팅IP Panacea Medical Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru for 마케팅 프로그램 mass production and use in their radiation 문자명함 therapy machine for cancer treatment. The successful 개발업체 development of 2.6 MW magnetron technology has established and strengthened the technological base and capabilities for developing higher power magnetrons in our country. CSIR-CEERI’s know-how and research knowledge in magnetrons, with modern-day applications of magnetrons, together can bring radical advancement in industrial, medical, and strategic sectors. For details, please contact:headtbd@ceeri.res.in