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ElonBet - PrivacyWall

Les De Garis 0 11 2024.12.11 07:59
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. It's okay to recognize that other people have it worse than you do and also feel angry/sad/hurt/frustrated about your current situation. It's all about power and control." --@MsKellyMHayes "Most dystopian thing I've seen this week: People on the political betting site PredictIt wondering what happens to their money if Bolsonaro loses the Brazilian election but remains in power via coup." --Ben Collins "Reality has become indistinguishable from parody for a mere polynomial based challenger." --@schmeigSophie "If you meet one ignorant person with a child's understanding of how something works, ElonBet you met one ignorant person.
